Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Quick Entry-

Yesterdays post I still counted as day 2 even though I hit the publish button after midnight. But it was done before I went to bed!

Well I was gonna try and do day 3 before I got to bed tonight but I wanna sleep. So I'll make up for it tomorrow and enter 2 posts.

I knew this wasn't gonna be easy or perfect. But I am truly enjoying this challenge! Because my heart feels closer to God. Life is slowly heading in the direction that looks brighter. One step at a time. One baby step at a time! It feels great though, and I have been happier! I know God is always there, but I think now my heart is getting back to where it used to be when I was more in tune with God's voice. That was way back when I was in catechism classes. Don't remember what grade, but one year (I may have had him as a teacher 2 years in a row) I had this really awesome teacher who motivated the students to really get into the messages of God.

His name was Mr. Mancilla. Funky name. He was probably in his early 20's and had a girlfriend/fiance. Attractive young man I remember that! Lol, but he was old enough to be my big brother. Not the point here...
Catechism was every Wednesday evening. And every class we had a homework assignment to turn in. If we turned it in, we got a homemade chocolate chip cookie that he made himself. Some of the best chocolate chip cookies I ever had! Seriously! I have never forgotten that. : ) Oh man. The homework assignment was to pick a passage of the bible and write a reflection on it. He taught us how to reference bible passages. For example Genesis 3: 4-10 Then we would write what it was about. He was the best Catechism teacher I ever had, and those were the years I truly understood what was going on in what I was reading.

My preferred method of operation was to stick to the New Testament. Then, I would just flip through the pages, stop when my heart told me too, selected a title that caught my eye and read it. I seemed to like all the parables and stories like the mustard seed, the bread and the fish, wedding at canaa, where 2 or more are gathered in the lords name. I believe I did pick some stories from the old testament too, those aren't so fresh in my mind. And the book of revelations. Tried to comprehend that, but I was way too young for that. Honestly, most of what anyone knows about it is an interpretation anyway. 

After that year I kept up with reading like that for a while, but nothing beats doing it every week and writing a reflection about it. So I am happy that I have decided to do this! It feels good. And it feels right!